Sony Addon SDK public static interface


This project is no longer being supported and will not get any further updates.
implements Notification.SourceColumns, Notification.EventColumns

Class Overview

Column-definitions for the source event join query.


java.lang.String EVENT_ID The ID of the event in the source event join query.
Inherited Constants
From interface Notification.SourceColumns
java.lang.String NAME Displayable name of the source
java.lang.String ICON_URI_1 Each Source can use up to 2 icons with different sizes and one monochrome This is the URI of the largest icon (30x30 pixels)
java.lang.String ICON_URI_2 Each Source can use up to 2 icons with different sizes and one monochrome This is the URI of the second largest icon (18x18 pixels)
java.lang.String ICON_URI_BLACK_WHITE Each Source can use up to 2 icons with different sizes and one monochrome This is the URI of the monochrome icon (18x18 pixels)
java.lang.String ENABLED Indicates if the source is enabled
java.lang.String ACTION_1 Action supported by the extension.
java.lang.String ACTION_2 Action supported by the extension.
java.lang.String ACTION_3 Action supported by the extension.
java.lang.String ACTION_ICON_1 Action supported by the extension.
java.lang.String ACTION_ICON_2 Action supported by the extension.
java.lang.String ACTION_ICON_3 Action supported by the extension.
java.lang.String UPDATE_TIME The time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC UNIX EPOCH) when an event linked to this source was created.
java.lang.String TEXT_TO_SPEECH Text to speech specific text.
java.lang.String EXTENSION_SPECIFIC_ID Extension specific identifier of the source It is up to the extension to define this identifier
java.lang.String COLOR The color associated with this source.
java.lang.String PACKAGE_NAME The package name of a plug-in.
java.lang.String SUPPORTS_REFRESH If true it is possible for the user to trigger a manual refresh of events from this source.
From interface Notification.EventColumns
java.lang.String SOURCE_ID The ID of the host source corresponding to this event
java.lang.String TITLE Short text describing the title for event linked with this data row.
java.lang.String IMAGE_URI Content URI to an image linked with the event at this data row
java.lang.String PUBLISHED_TIME The time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC UNIX EPOCH) when the content linked with this data row was published on the source.
java.lang.String PERSONAL Whether the event linked with this data row is specifically directed to the user ("me") or concerns the user ("me"), e.g.
java.lang.String MESSAGE Message associated with this event
java.lang.String GEO_DATA Geo data associated with this event
java.lang.String EVENT_READ_STATUS Indicates if the event has been read by the user
java.lang.String TIME_STAMP The time (in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC UNIX EPOCH) when this row was created.
java.lang.String DISPLAY_NAME Displayable name of the user linked with this data row, e.g.
java.lang.String PROFILE_IMAGE_URI URI to the profile image of the user linked with this data row
java.lang.String CONTACTS_REFERENCE A reference to the contacts content provider.
java.lang.String FRIEND_KEY Generic data column for use by the plug-in to store information that may be used to identify the friend that is at this data row, in its domain.


public static final java.lang.String EVENT_ID

The ID of the event in the source event join query.


Constant Value: "eventId"