Segment JSON schema


This json schema allows you to setup oAuth for some of the most common providers. Currently it supports twitter and Google oAuth
  "version": string (required),
  "settings": array (required) [
      "id": number (required),
      "provider": string (required),
      "clientId": string (required),
      "clientSecret": string (required),
      "options": object {




The schema version. Set to value "1.0".


The array of the OAuth settings that is used in by the segment. Each item in the array represents the settings of an OAuth service.


The segment's unique OAuth ID. It is defined by developer.


The table below shows the supported service providers and their provider id. Set the "provider" field with the "provider id" for your Segment to access its service.


The OAuth Client ID of the Segment issued by external OAuth service. (The naming of ID depends on each service)


The OAuth Client Secret of the Segment issued by external OAuth service. (The naming of Secret depends on each service)


The Oauth configuration options for the type of JSON object. You can configure several options for each external provider by setting its value, see table below.

Provider Nameprovider idConfiguration optionExample
TwittertwitterTwitter optionsExample for Twitter
Google OAuth2google_oauth2Google optionsExample for Google