Developer World Spresense
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Table of Contents

v3.3.1 (2024/12/16)


New features and feature enhancements

Improved features

  • [GNSS] Add the feature to receive NMEA and Michibiki disaster and crisis management report simultaneously on the GNSS Add-on board.

  • [System] Fix an issue of waking up immediately from cold sleep when SD card is inserted on the LTE extension board.

  • [FileSystem] Improve access performance to SD card.

  • [LTE] Fix an issue that the write() method of the LTEUPD class may freeze after the LTE class library receives the LTE_RESTART_MODEM_INITIATED message.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v3.3.0 (2024/12/04)


New features and feature enhancements

Improved features

  • [GNSS] Add the feature to receive NMEA and Michibiki disaster and crisis management report simultaneously on the GNSS Add-on board.

  • [System] Fix an issue of waking up immediately from cold sleep when SD card is inserted on the LTE extension board.

  • [FileSystem] Improve access performance to SD card.

  • [LTE] Fix an issue that the write() method of the LTEUPD class may freeze after the LTE class library receives the LTE_RESTART_MODEM_INITIATED message.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v3.2.0 (2024/02/09)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [USB] Multiple Spresense boards can be connected to one PC via USB(MSC/CDC).

  • [GNSS] Support Michibiki disaster and crisis management report on the GNSS Add-on board.

    • The firmware of the GNSS Add-on board must be updated to use this feature.

    • (2024/03/02) Please refer to the Downloads site for the update procedure.

  • [MATH] Update math library to newlib 4.3.0.

Improved features

  • [LTE] Fix an Issue #676 where LTE initialization would fail after restarting if Watchdog expires while using LTE.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v3.1.0 (2023/07/24)


  • Feature enhancements are available.

  • This release has a new bootloader which have to be loaded before use.

  • An updater is now available to correct a problem with the FPGA circuitry of the HDR camera that causes color errors in some pixels when acquiring QVGA/QQVGA JPEG images. Please download and execute the updater from the HDR camera section of this link.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [GNSS] Add extension code and example sketches for GNSS Add-on board to the GNSS library.

    • The GNSS Add-on board is equipped with Sony’s GNSS receiver LSI CXD5610, which is capable of L1/L5 dual-band positioning, enabling more accurate GNSS positioning than the built-in GNSS.

    • The API interface is compatible with the built-in GNSS, allowing existing sketches to run on the GNSS Add-on board without modification.

    • For more information, please refer to GNSS library.

  • [Core] The attachInterrupt() function allows user to select the usage to reduce the response time of external interrupts.

  • [Bluetooth] Enable the use of the SDK’s BLE API.

Improved features

  • [LTE] Revise the power control sequence of the Spresense LTE board.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

  • Please refer to Spresense Arduino Library 的使用方法 for the first time.

  • Please update Spresense Arduino package via Boards Manager in Arduino IDE for others.

  • In addition, confirmed operations with Arduino IDE 2.0 that is officially released by Arduino.

v3.0.0 (2023/03/13)


New features and feature enhancements

Improved features

  • [Audio] Support recording with file splitting for long time recording and add a sample (recorder_wav_split).

  • [LTE] Add an API to set timeout for send/receive to the TLS library for LTE (LTETLSClient). This fixes an issue where the TLS library get stuck during network instability.

  • [LTE] Speed up TLS certificate loading.

  • [GNSS] Change part of the implementation method of library.

    • Fix a problem that does not sometimes work properly when running simultaneously with other applications because signals are used in the library.

    • Add an API (removeEphemeris()) to remove backup files.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

  • Please refer to Spresense Arduino Library 的使用方法 for the first time.

  • Please update Spresense Arduino package via Boards Manager in Arduino IDE for others.

  • In addition, confirmed operations with Arduino IDE 2.0 that is officially released by Arduino.

v2.6.0 (2022/08/05)


  • Feature enhancements are available.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [IDE] Improve the development environment to allow use of Arduino IDE 2.0 RC version.

    • Add build support for SubCore on multicore applications.

Improved features

  • [RTC] Fix a compile error when an RtcTime instance is created without the argument nsec.

  • [FileSystem] Fix a problem in which LFN (Long File Name) files created on SD cards are recognized as 8.3 format files when read on Windows.

  • [LTE] Reduce power consumption when using LTE extension board.

  • [LTE] Optimize the power sequence when turning LTE power on.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.5.1 (2022/05/18)


Improved features

  • [Audio] Fix an issue in the example sketch rendering_objif.ino where sounds are not played correctly.

  • [Camera] Improve the features of the ISX019 HDR camera.

    • Fix an issue that a picture taken after changing the JPEG quality level may be corrupted.

    • Optimize the waiting time of camera device startup.

    • Fix an issue where the preview image would not work when taking a still image at HD(1280 x 720) resolution.

  • [LTE] Optimize the power sequence when turning LTE power on.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.5.0 (2022/04/01)


  • Feature enhancements are available.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [CMSIS] Arm CMSIS library updated to 5.8.0.

  • [LTE] Add an option to dynamically specify APN information to connect to LTE in the LTE sample sketches.

Added example code

  • [Camera] Add a sample sketch (camera_apitest) for testing ISX012/ISX019 functions and APIs.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.4.0 (2021/12/24)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [DNNRT] Update DNN Runtime Library to version 1.23.0.

  • [DNNRT] Add a feature to run DNN Runtime processing in parallel using multi-cores to speed up inference.

Added example code

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.3.1 (2021/11/16)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [Wire] Add Wire1 instance with I2C#1 bus support in Wire library.

Improved features

  • [LTE] Fix an issue where the LteGnssTracker example could not connect to the network.

Added example code

  • [Wire] Add an example (I2cScanner1) that Wire1 scans the I2C bus.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.3.0 (2021/09/03)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [Tools] Cross compiler updated to gcc version 9.2.1.

  • [Tools] Support C++ standard library.

  • [Core] Add APIs for fast digital pin control.

  • [GNSS] Improve the reception performance of L1S signal from QZSS Michibiki.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.2.1 (2021/05/28)


  • Feature improvements are available

Improved features

  • [Camera] Fix an issue that the convertPixFormat() did not convert pixel format correctly on a new CamImage instance as an output by executing CamImage.clipAndResizeImageByHW().

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.2.0 (2021/05/14)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [SignalProcessing] Add Flattop window as a window function of the FFT library.

  • [SignalProcessing] Extend the IIR library to allow setting the output frame size, data order and sampling-rate.

Improved features

  • [Audio] Fix an issue of noise on WAV playback with 96kHz(sampling-rate) and 24bit(sample-bit-length).

  • [Audio] Fix an issue that buffer size in begin function of MediaRecoder may not be changed correctly.

  • [Audio] Improve memory usage and processing latency of 2 example sketches (pcm_capture/voice_effector).

  • [Audio] Fix a wrong usage of the clock change API in the example sketch (player_objif).

  • [MultiCore MP] Fix an issue that logs may be mixed using MPLog function logs by multi-cores and multi-threads in the same time.

  • [FileSystem] Extend the limit number of openable files from 16 to 32.

  • [Camera] Add an API (getImgBuffSize) to get the memory size allocated by CamImage.

  • [Camera] Fix an issue in CamImage that the getPixFormat function can not get the correct value after pixel format conversion with the convertPixFormat function.

  • [LTE] Fix the recovery sequence when LTE connection fails for all LTE example sketches.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.1.0 (2021/02/26)


Improved features

  • [SDHCI] Enabled the timestamp function of the FAT file system on the SD card (The RTC must be set to the correct time).

  • [Camera] Added the function to adjust the size of the Jpeg buffer allocated by the Camera class.

  • [Audio] Changed the APIs of MediaPlayer and OutputMixer to use begin()/end().

  • [GNSS/Audio] Fixed an issue that could cause an error from Audio when GNSS and Audio are running simultaneously.

  • [LTE] Fixed an issue where TLS connections to domains registered for both IPv4 and IPv6 were not possible when the IP type was set to IPv6 Only in the access point settings.

  • [LTE] Fixed an issue that caused Assert to occur in rare cases during data communication in LTE.

  • [ADC] Improved the linearity of analogRead() from the A4 and A5 analog pins for 0 to 5V input voltage.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.0.2 (2020/09/18)


Improved features

  • [SignalProcessing] Fixed a typo in the name of the FFTWindow parameter in the SignalProcessing library.

  • [SignalProcessing] The SignalProcessing library FFT supports 2048-Tap.

  • [MultiCore] Fixed an issue where an error was not returned when starting SubCore with DNNRT.begin() or MP.begin() in case of the memory was exhausted.

  • [GNSS] Corrected a wrong formula for converting location information to NMEA format in the GNSS library sample code (gnss_tracker).(Thanks to @8ga3

  • [GNSS] Improved azimuth display range issue in GNSS library.(Thanks to @8ga3

Improved samples

  • [MultiCoreMP] In the MP library sample code (SharedMemory), the error handling code was added when the memory could not be acquired.

  • [Audio] In the Audio library sample code (rendering_objif), the mute release code was added.

  • [Other] Added code to all sample code that uses SD cards to wait until the SD card is inserted.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.0.1 (2020/06/16)


  • Feature improvement are available

Improved features

  • [IDE Menu] Fix the bug that the program does not work properly when the memory size used by the main core application is larger than 768KB.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v2.0.0 (2020/06/12)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [IDE Menu] Enable to change the memory size used by the main core application from the Arduino IDE menu.

  • [UART] Support to change the data length, parity, stop bit, and flow control by the Serial.begin() function.

    • Flow control is disabled by default in this release.

    • Please refer to Serial Library.

  • [GNSS] Add support for positioning using Galileo/BeiDou satellite

  • [GNSS] Supports accurate 1-second cycle signals(1PPS signals) output based on satellite time information

  • [Camera] Supports manual setting of exposure time.(Thanks to @TE-KarlKomierowski)

  • [Signal processing] Add SignalProcessing(FFT/IIR) library

Improved features

  • [Camera] The following problems with automatic/manual setting of AE/AWB have been fixed.

    • AE is set to manual when Camera.setAutoWhiteBalance(false) is called.

    • AE and AWB is set to manual when Camera.setAutoExposure(false) is called.


  • [Audio] Add sample sketch(rendering_objif) for high speed rendering.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.5.1 (2020/03/10)


Feature enhancements

  • [LTE] Support timeout function for LTEClient transfer.

Improved features

  • [RTC] Improve RTCTime utility to synchronize unix time and calendar time.

  • [ADC] Fix an issue that the first value read from HPADC(A4/A5) is invalid after power-on.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.5.0 (2019/12/18)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [LTE] Add LTE Library

  • [Audio] Digital microphone can be selected from Object I/F layer

  • [Camera] Add JPEG as a pixel format for camera preview

Improved features

  • [SD Card] Fixed the problem that the SD card was not mounted when insert and remove the SD card quickly.

  • [Tools] Fixed the problem that the bootloader installation dialog was not displayed correctly in Ubuntu 18.04.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.4.2 (2019/11/15)


  • Feature enhancements is available

New features and feature enhancements

  • [Camera] Add Auto White Balance mode.

Improved features

  • [Audio] Reduced the boot time of DSP Codec binary in SPI-Flash.

  • [Core] Improved string conversion accuracy of floating point.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.4.1 (2019/10/04)


  • Feature improvement is available

Improved features

  • [GNSS] Add API getDCReport() to get QZSS Disaster and Crisis Management (DC Report) sentence.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.4.0 (2019/09/09)


  • Feature improvement is available

Improved features

  • [Camera Image] Image converter methods of CamImage can be used without Camera Video Stream.

  • [Tool] When "Export compiled Binary" is selected in the ArduinoIDE menu, the name of the selected sub-core is added to the binary file name.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.3.1 (2019/07/11)


  • Feature improvement is available.

Improved features

  • [GNSS] Improve GNSS sensitivity when SD card is inserted(without accessed).

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.3.0 (2019/06/05)


New features and feature enhancements

  • [MultiCore MP] Add a "MultiCore MP" library to communicate between 6 CPU cores.

  • [LowPower] Add power saving API to select the system clock (156 MHz / 32 MHz / 8 MHz) dynamically.

  • [Flash] Add a library for reading and writing from/to SPI-Flash.

  • [eMMC] Add a library for reading and writing from/to eMMC.

  • [Sensing] Add Sensor Framework with Publish-Subscribe Architecture.

Improved features

  • [Basic] Improve the accuracy of the delay and delayMicroseconds.

  • [SD] Improve the access performance of the SD card.

  • [Build] Changed to C++11 compilation.

New samples

  • [MultiCore MP] Added multi-core sample sketches.

  • [Sensing] Add a sample sketch of a step counter.

  • [Flash] Add a sample to read and write.

  • [eMMC] Add a sample to read and write.

  • [Wire] Add a I2C port scan sketch.

  • [LowPower] Add a sample sketch to change clock mode.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.2.1 (2019/04/25)


  • New features and feature enhancements are available.

  • This release has a new bootloader which have to be loaded before use.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [Audio] Add API for selecting Analog mic or Digital mic in runtime.

  • [Audio] Add API to be able to change internal buffer size for audio player and recorder.

  • [Audio] Add function which can path the audio data from I2S to speaker with low-latency (Audio through).

Improved features

  • [GNSS] Improve stability when starting positioning by using hot start.

  • [SPI] Improve transfer performance by using deprecated API setClockDivider.

New samples

  • [Audio] Add "player_playlist" sample sketch that is reading playlist for playing music.

  • [Audio] Add "through" sample sketch that is using audio through function.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.2.0 (2019/03/15)


  • New features and feature enhancements are available.

  • This release has a new DSP binary and bootloader which have to be loaded before use.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [Arduino IDE] Add "--gc-sections" to compile options for reducing memory usage.

  • [RTC] Add Real Time Clock library to manage RTC time.

  • [Watchdog] Add Watchdog library to monitor your system.

  • [LowPower] Add LowPower library to save power like a sleep mode.

Improved features

  • [Arduino IDE] Support a partial update when Spresense Arduino Library is updated.

  • [Arduino IDE] Improve the progress bar when uploading your sketch

  • [Wire] Support the sendStop flag for enabling continuous transmission by using functions of endTransmission() and requestFrom().

New samples

  • [Audio] Add "player_wav" sample sketch that is able to play wav files with tag information.

  • [Audio] Add "recorder_with_rendering" sample sketch that is able to monitor sounds while recording.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.1.3 (2019/01/16)


  • New features and feature enhancements are available.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [ArduinoIDE] Support "Export compiled Binary".

  • [Audio] Support I2S output with Object Level API.

Improved features

  • [EEPROM] Improve Read/Write speed.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.1.2 (2018/12/17)


  • Fixed problem about DNNRT.

Fixed features

  • [DNNRT] Fixed continuous recognition processes problem.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.1.1 (2018/11/26)


  • New features and feature enhancements are available.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [Audio] Support 192kHz/48kHz sampling, 24bit wav recording
    Supported format:

    • 192KHz 16bit

    • 192KHz 24bit

    • 48KHz 16bit

    • 48KHz 24bit

    • 16KHz 16bit

  • [Audio] Support selectable API for audio analog drive power for AC-out or speaker-out.

  • [Camera] Support auto exposure.

Improved features

  • [Audio] Update recording sample sketches(pcm_capture/pcm_capture_objif/recorder/recorder_objif/recorder_wav/recorder_wav_objif/rec_play)

  • [Other] Add new API for change PWM frequency in Wire library.

New samples

  • [Audio] Add Mic-In to AC-out sample sketch(voice_effector).


  • [Audio] If overflow occurs in the load situation, recording may not be continued in 24 bit recording with next log message. In this case, please reset the board.

    WARNING: Insufficient buup_assert: Assertion failed at file:components/capture/capture_component.cpp line: 228 task: CAPTURE_CMP_DEV0

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.1.0 (2018/10/25)


  • New features and feature enhancements are available.

  • This release has a new DSP binary and bootloader which have to be loaded before use.

New features and feature enhancements

  • [Camera] Capturing of uncompressed and JPEG compressed image data by using ISX012 camera module.

  • [DNNRT] Deep Neural Network runtime library added.

  • [GNSS] Japanese GNSS satellite QZSS Michibiki: L1C/A complementation signal and L1S augmentation signal are now supported.

  • [Audio] Supports 88.2/96/176.4kHz, 24bit wav decoding.

Improved features

  • [Audio] Support microphone gain.

  • [Audio] Support detail logs while debug funciton is enabled(Debug: Enable).

  • [Other] PWM pins number 3, 5, 6, 9 are changed to stay high just after startup.

  • [Other] Source code using __FlashStringHelper can be compiled.

Using this release for Arduino IDE

v1.0.2 (2018/08/31)


  • Some audio advanced features are released.

Additional features

  • Support monaural sound playback in wav format file

  • Support I2S out put for sound player

  • Add some audio sample sketches

Improved features

  • The recorded wav format file can be saved correctly on Arduino environment.

Using this release for Arduino IDE