Constants | ||
java.lang.String | CONTROL_START_REQUEST_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to take control of the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_STOP_REQUEST_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to stop controlling the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_START_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application when it grants control of the accessory display to the extension. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_STOP_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application when it takes back control of the accessory display from the extension. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_PAUSE_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application when the extension is no longer visible on the display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_RESUME_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application when the extension is visible on the display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_ERROR_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application when a error occurs |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_SET_SCREEN_STATE_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to set the state of the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LED_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to control one of the LEDs available on the accessory. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_STOP_LED_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to stop an ongoing LED sequence on the accessory. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_VIBRATE_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to control the vibrator available on the accessory. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_STOP_VIBRATE_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension when it wants to stop an ongoing vibration on the accessory. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_DISPLAY_DATA_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension whenever it wants to update the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_CLEAR_DISPLAY_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension whenever it wants to clear the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_KEY_EVENT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever an hardware key is pressed/released. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_TAP_EVENT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever a tap is performed on hardware. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_TOUCH_EVENT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever an touch event is detected. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_SWIPE_EVENT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever an swipe event is detected. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_PROCESS_LAYOUT_INTENT | Intent sent by the extension whenever it wants to update the Accessory display by sending an XML layout. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_SEND_IMAGE_INTENT | Intent sent by the Control extension whenever it wants to update an image in an ImageView on the accessory. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_SEND_TEXT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Control extension whenever it wants to update a text in a TextView on the accessory. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_ACTIVE_POWER_SAVE_MODE_STATUS_CHANGED_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever the active low power mode status changed. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_OBJECT_CLICK_EVENT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever a click event is detected on a graphical object referenced from a layout. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_COUNT_INTENT | Intent sent by the Control extension when it wants to set the number of items in a ListView. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_MOVE_INTENT | Intent sent by the Control extension when it wants to move to a certain position in a list. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_REQUEST_ITEM_INTENT | Intent sent the by the Host Application to the Control extension as a request for a list item. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_ITEM_INTENT | Intent sent by the Control extension to update a list item in a ListView. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_ITEM_CLICK_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a list item has been clicked. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a list item is selected. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_LIST_REFRESH_REQUEST_INTENT | Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a list refresh request is detected. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_MENU_SHOW | Intent sent by the Control extension when it wants to show a menu. |
java.lang.String | CONTROL_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED | Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a menu item has been selected. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_AHA_PACKAGE_NAME | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the Host Application. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_AEA_PACKAGE_NAME | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the extension. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_SCREEN_STATE | The name of the Intent-extra carrying the state of the display |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LED_ID | The name of the Intent-extra carrying the ID of the LED to be controlled |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LED_COLOR | The name of the Intent-extra carrying the color you want the LED to blink with |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_ON_DURATION | The name of the Intent-extra carrying the "on" duration in milliseconds |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_OFF_DURATION | The name of the Intent-extra carrying the "off" duration in milliseconds |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_REPEATS | The name of the Intent-extra carrying the number of repeats of the on/off pattern. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_DATA_URI | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the URI of the image to be displayed on the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_DATA | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the data to be displayed on the accessory display. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_X_OFFSET | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the pixel offset from the left side of the accessory display |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_Y_OFFSET | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the pixel offset from the top of the accessory display |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_KEY_ACTION | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the type of key event |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_TIMESTAMP | The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the time stamp of the key or touch event |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_KEY_CODE | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the keycode. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_TAP_ACTION | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the type of tap event |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_TOUCH_ACTION | The name of the Intent-extra used to indicate the touch action |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_SWIPE_DIRECTION | The name of the Intent-extra used to indicate the direction |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_X_POS | The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the X coordinate of the touch event |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_Y_POS | The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the Y coordinate of the touch event |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_ERROR_CODE | The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the error code |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_EXTENSION_KEY | The name of the Intent-extra containing the key set by the extension. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_DATA_XML_LAYOUT | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the data XML layout to be processed by the host application and displayed by the accessory. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LAYOUT_REFERENCE | The name of the Intent-extra used to identify a reference within a layout. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_TEXT | The name of the Intent-extra used when sending a text (String) from the extension to the accessory. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_ACTIVE_POWER_MODE_STATUS | The name of the Intent-extra used for indicating the status of the Active Power State Mode. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LAYOUT_DATA | Data used to populate the views in a XML layout with dynamic info. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LIST_CONTENT | Data to populate a ListView with initial content. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_CLICK_TYPE | The type of a click. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_ID | A unique identity of a list item assigned by the extension. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_POSITION | The position in a list. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LIST_COUNT | The number of items in a list. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_LAYOUT_REFERENCE | Reference to a view in a list item layout. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_LIST_REFRESH_ALLOWED | If true then the user is allowed to initiate a refresh of the list content. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_DISPLAY_ID | The id of the display. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_MENU_ITEM_ICON | The URI of an icon (40x40 pixels) for a menu item. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_MENU_ITEM_TEXT | The text for a menu item. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_MENU_ITEM_ID | A unique identity of a menu item assigned by the extension. |
java.lang.String | EXTRA_MENU_ITEMS | Items for a menu. |
int | TOUCH_ACTION_PRESS | The touch action is a press event. |
int | TOUCH_ACTION_LONGPRESS | The touch action is a long press event |
int | TOUCH_ACTION_RELEASE | The touch action is a release event |
int | SWIPE_DIRECTION_UP | The direction of the swipe event is up |
int | SWIPE_DIRECTION_DOWN | The direction of the swipe event is down |
int | SWIPE_DIRECTION_LEFT | The direction of the swipe event is left |
int | SWIPE_DIRECTION_RIGHT | The direction of the swipe event is right |
int | SCREEN_STATE_OFF | The screen off state |
int | SCREEN_STATE_DIM | The screen dim state |
int | SCREEN_STATE_ON | The screen on state |
int | SCREEN_STATE_AUTO | The screen state is automatically handled by the host application |
int | KEY_ACTION_PRESS | The key event is a key press event |
int | KEY_ACTION_RELEASE | The key event is a key release event |
int | KEY_ACTION_REPEAT | The key event is a key repeat event |
int | CONTROL_ACTION_ON | The control action is turned on |
int | CONTROL_ACTION_OFF | The control action is turned off |
int | REPEAT_UNTIL_STOP_INTENT | Vibration or LED is repeated until explicitly stopped |
int | ACTIVE_POWER_SAVE_MODE_OFF | Constant defining active power safe mode OFF. |
int | ACTIVE_POWER_SAVE_MODE_ON | Constant defining active power safe mode ON. |
int | CLICK_TYPE_SHORT | A click is a short click. |
int | CLICK_TYPE_LONG | The click is a long click. |
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to take control of the accessory display.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.START_REQUEST"
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to stop controlling the accessory display.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.STOP_REQUEST"
Intent sent by the Host Application when it grants control of the accessory display to the extension. This Intent might be sent when the Host Application wants to start the extension or as a result of the extensions sending a CONTROL_START_REQUEST_INTENT Intent.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.START"
Intent sent by the Host Application when it takes back control of the accessory display from the extension. This Intent might be sent when the Host Application wants to stop the extension or as a result of the extensions sending a CONTROL_STOP_REQUEST_INTENT Intent.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.STOP"
Intent sent by the Host Application when the extension is no longer visible on the display.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.PAUSE"
Intent sent by the Host Application when the extension is visible on the display.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.RESUME"
Intent sent by the Host Application when a error occurs
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.ERROR"
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to set the state of the accessory display. If the extension does not set the state explicitly it will by default be controlled by the Host Application (Display Auto) for optimal power consumption.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.SET_SCREEN_STATE"
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to control one of the LEDs available on the accessory. Every Host Application will expose information about its LEDs in the Registration API.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LED"
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to stop an ongoing LED sequence on the accessory. If the LED specified in the Intent-extra if off, this Intent will be ignored by the Host Application.
This intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.STOP_LED"
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to control the vibrator available on the accessory. Every Host Application will expose information about the vibrator if it has one in the Registration API.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.VIBRATE"
Intent sent by the extension when it wants to stop an ongoing vibration on the accessory. If no vibration is ongoing, this Intent will be ignored by the Host Application.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.STOP_VIBRATE"
Intent sent by the extension whenever it wants to update the accessory display. The display size is accessory dependent and can be found using the Registration API.
The Accessory may support several displays. The displays can be real displays or emulated displays to provide compatibility for extensions written for other Accessories. If several displays are supported, the extension can use EXTRA_DISPLAY_ID to specify the target display. If EXTRA_DISPLAY_ID is absent the Host Application will make a selection of target display and if necessary scale the image.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.DISPLAY_DATA"
Intent sent by the extension whenever it wants to clear the accessory display.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.CLEAR_DISPLAY"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever an hardware key is pressed/released.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.KEY_EVENT"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever a tap is performed on hardware.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.TAP_EVENT"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever an touch event is detected.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.TOUCH_EVENT"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever an swipe event is detected.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.SWIPE_EVENT"
Intent sent by the extension whenever it wants to update the Accessory display by sending an XML layout. Note that the extension must always send a layout covering the full screen according to the display screen size. This means that even though the extension wants to update a portion of the screen a full screen layout must be supplied anyway. Objects that should be displayed in the layout are sent separately.
EXTRA_LAYOUT_DATA can be used to populate views in the layout with initial values. The content of the view in the layout can also be updated using CONTROL_SEND_TEXT_INTENT and CONTROL_SEND_IMAGE_INTENT.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.PROCESS_LAYOUT"
Intent sent by the Control extension whenever it wants to update an image in an ImageView on the accessory. The image can be a URI or an array of a raw image, like JPEG The image will replace any previous sent image with the same reference.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.SEND_IMAGE"
Intent sent by the Control extension whenever it wants to update a text in a TextView on the accessory. The text will replace any previous sent text with the same reference.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.SEND_TEXT"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever the active low power mode status changed. This intent is only sent to control extensions that support active low power mode.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.ACTIVE_POWER_SAVE_MODE_STATUS_CHANGED"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the controlling extension whenever a click event is detected on a graphical object referenced from a layout.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.OBJECT_CLICK_EVENT"
Intent sent by the Control extension when it wants to set the number of items in a ListView. EXTRA_LAYOUT_REFERENCE refers to the ListView to be updated. This intent is used both to specify the initial size of the list and to update the size of the list.
EXTRA_LIST_REFRESH_ALLOWED specifies if the user is allowed to manually initiate a refresh of the list content. The default behavior is that the user is not allowed to initiate a refresh. The extension is notified about a refresh request through the CONTROL_LIST_REFRESH_REQUEST_INTENT intent.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_COUNT"
Intent sent by the Control extension when it wants to move to a certain position in a list. The position to move to can either be specified using EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_POSITION or EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_ID.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_MOVE"
Intent sent the by the Host Application to the Control extension as a request for a list item. The extension is expected to respond with a CONTROL_LIST_ITEM_INTENT.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_REQUEST_ITEM"
Intent sent by the Control extension to update a list item in a ListView. This can be a response to CONTROL_LIST_REQUEST_ITEM_INTENT, but it can also be sent unsolicited to refresh an individual list item. To refresh an entire list a new CONTROL_LIST_COUNT_INTENT can be used.
EXTRA_LAYOUT_REFERENCE specifies the ListView and EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_POSITION specifies the position to update. EXTRA_DATA_XML_LAYOUT specifies the layout of the list item. EXTRA_LAYOUT_DATA can be used to update views in the list item layout with new values.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_ITEM"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a list item has been clicked. If the list item contains any views where android:clickable or android:longClickable is true and one of these views were clicked the android:id of that view is returned in EXTRA_LIST_ITEM_LAYOUT_REFERENCE.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_ITEM_CLICK"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a list item is selected.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_ITEM_SELECTED"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a list refresh request is detected.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.LIST_REFERESH_REQUEST"
Intent sent by the Control extension when it wants to show a menu. The CONTROL_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED intent is sent to the Control extension when a menu item has been selected.
When using the broadcast queue, this intent should be sent with enforced security by supplying the host application permission to sendBroadcast(Intent, String). HOSTAPP_PERMISSION
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.MENU_SHOW"
Intent sent by the Host Application to the Control extension when a menu item has been selected. EXTRA_MENU_ITEM_ID identifies the selected menu item.
Intent-extra data:
Constant Value: "com.sonyericsson.extras.aef.control.MENU_ITEM_SELECTED"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the Host Application. The Host Application will send its package name
Constant Value: "aha_package_name"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the extension. The extension will send its package name
Constant Value: "aea_package_name"
The name of the Intent-extra carrying the state of the display
Constant Value: "screen_state"
The name of the Intent-extra carrying the ID of the LED to be controlled
Constant Value: "led_id"
The name of the Intent-extra carrying the color you want the LED to blink with
Constant Value: "led_color"
The name of the Intent-extra carrying the "on" duration in milliseconds
Constant Value: "on_duration"
The name of the Intent-extra carrying the "off" duration in milliseconds
Constant Value: "off_duration"
The name of the Intent-extra carrying the number of repeats of the on/off pattern. Note, the value REPEAT_UNTIL_STOP_INTENT means that the on/off pattern is repeated until the CONTROL_STOP_VIBRATE_INTENT or CONTROL_STOP_LED_INTENT intent is received
Constant Value: "repeats"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the URI of the image to be displayed on the accessory display. If the image is in raw data (e.g. an array of bytes) use EXTRA_DATA instead
Constant Value: "data_uri"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the data to be displayed on the accessory display. This Intent-extra should be used if the image is in raw data (e.g. an array of bytes)
Constant Value: "data"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the pixel offset from the left side of the accessory display
Constant Value: "x_offset"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the pixel offset from the top of the accessory display
Constant Value: "y_offset"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the type of key event
Constant Value: "event_type"
The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the time stamp of the key or touch event
Constant Value: "timestamp"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the keycode. Information about what type of keypad a accessory has can be found using the Registration API
ALLOWED VALUES: Any key code defined in the Control.KeyCodes interface.
Constant Value: "key_code"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the type of tap event
ALLOWED VALUES: Any tap actions defined in the Control.TapActions interface.
Constant Value: "tap_action"
The name of the Intent-extra used to indicate the touch action
Constant Value: "action"
The name of the Intent-extra used to indicate the direction
Constant Value: "direction"
The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the X coordinate of the touch event
Constant Value: "x_pos"
The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the Y coordinate of the touch event
Constant Value: "y_pos"
The name of the Intent-extra used to carry the error code
Constant Value: "error_code"
The name of the Intent-extra containing the key set by the extension. This Intent-data is present in all Intents sent by accessory host application, except where startActivity(android.content.Intent) is used. See section Security for more information
Constant Value: "extension_key"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify the data XML layout to be processed by the host application and displayed by the accessory. The layout resource id is used to identify the layout.
This is a standard Android layout, where a subset of the Android views are supported.
The px dimensions is the only dimension supported.
The following ViewGroups are supported:
The following Views are supported:
The following View XML attributes are supported
For an ImageView the following XML attributes are supported
For a TextView the following XML attributes are supported
For a ListView and a Gallery there are some additional limitations. These views always have to fill the entire display width. The items in these views also have to fill the entire display width. The height of an item may not be larger than the height of the parent view.
Constant Value: "data_xml_layout"
The name of the Intent-extra used to identify a reference within a layout. Corresponds to the android:id XML attribute in the layout.
Constant Value: "layout_reference"
The name of the Intent-extra used when sending a text (String) from the extension to the accessory. The accessory will map the text to a layout reference.
Constant Value: "text_from extension"
The name of the Intent-extra used for indicating the status of the Active Power State Mode.
Constant Value: "active_power_mode_status"
Data used to populate the views in a XML layout with dynamic info. For example updating a TextView with a new text or setting a new image in an ImageView. EXTRA_LAYOUT_REFERENCE specifies the view to be updated and one of EXTRA_TEXT, EXTRA_DATA_URI and EXTRA_DATA specifies the new information in the view.
TYPE: Array of BUNDLEs with following information in each BUNDLE.
Constant Value: "layout_data"
Data to populate a ListView with initial content.
TYPE: Array of BUNDLEs with following information in each BUNDLE.
Constant Value: "list_content"
The type of a click.
Constant Value: "click_type"
A unique identity of a list item assigned by the extension. This can for example be the row id from a database.
Constant Value: "list_item_id"
The position in a list. The position is in the range from 0 to the EXTRA_LIST_COUNT-1.
Constant Value: "list_item_position"
The number of items in a list.
Constant Value: "list_count"
Reference to a view in a list item layout. Corresponds to the android:id XML attribute in the layout.
Constant Value: "list_item_layout_reference"
If true then the user is allowed to initiate a refresh of the list content. (For example by a pull to refresh gesture.)
Constant Value: "list_referesh_allowed"
The id of the display. Refers to the _ID field of the Registration.DisplayColumns table.
Constant Value: "displayId"
The URI of an icon (40x40 pixels) for a menu item.
Constant Value: "menuItemIcon"
The text for a menu item.
Constant Value: "menuItemText"
A unique identity of a menu item assigned by the extension.
Constant Value: "menuItemId"
Items for a menu. Each menu item can either be an icon or a text string. The EXTRA_MENU_ITEM_ID is used to identify the selected menu item. MENU_ITEMS specifies the number of menu items supported by the display.
TYPE: Array of BUNDLEs with following information in each BUNDLE.
Constant Value: "menuItems"
The touch action is a press event.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
The touch action is a long press event
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
The touch action is a release event
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
The direction of the swipe event is up
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
The direction of the swipe event is down
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
The direction of the swipe event is left
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
The direction of the swipe event is right
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
The screen off state
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
The screen dim state
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
The screen on state
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
The screen state is automatically handled by the host application
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
The key event is a key press event
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
The key event is a key release event
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
The key event is a key repeat event
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
The control action is turned on
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
The control action is turned off
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
Vibration or LED is repeated until explicitly stopped
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
Constant defining active power safe mode OFF.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
Constant defining active power safe mode ON.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
A click is a short click.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
The click is a long click.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
Intents sent between Control extensions and Accessory Host Applications.