Sony Addon SDK
public static final enum


This project is no longer being supported and will not get any further updates.
extends java.lang.Enum
  1. java.lang.Object
  2. java.lang.Enum
  3. com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.widget.TimeView.TimeType

Class Overview

This enumeration represents the cyclic periods that the view supports. Each period implies a fixed number of states.


Enum Values
TimeView.TimeType Constant
TimeView.TimeType Seconds
TimeView.TimeType SecondsDigit2
TimeView.TimeType SecondsDigit1
TimeView.TimeType Minutes
TimeView.TimeType MinutesDigit2
TimeView.TimeType MinutesDigit1
TimeView.TimeType Hours
TimeView.TimeType HoursDigit2
TimeView.TimeType HoursDigit1
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfWeek
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfMonth
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfMonthDigit2
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfMonthDigit1
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYear
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYearDigit3
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYearDigit2
TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYearDigit1
TimeView.TimeType Months
TimeView.TimeType MonthsDigit2
TimeView.TimeType MonthsDigit1
TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit4
TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit3
TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit2
TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit1
TimeView.TimeType AmPm
TimeView.TimeType HoursFine
Public Methods
static TimeView.TimeType[] values()
static TimeView.TimeType valueOf(java.lang.String name)

Enum Values

public static final TimeView.TimeType Constant

public static final TimeView.TimeType Seconds

public static final TimeView.TimeType SecondsDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType SecondsDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType Minutes

public static final TimeView.TimeType MinutesDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType MinutesDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType Hours

public static final TimeView.TimeType HoursDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType HoursDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfWeek

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfMonth

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfMonthDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfMonthDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYear

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYearDigit3

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYearDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType DaysOfYearDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType Months

public static final TimeView.TimeType MonthsDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType MonthsDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit4

public static final TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit3

public static final TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit2

public static final TimeView.TimeType YearsDigit1

public static final TimeView.TimeType AmPm

public static final TimeView.TimeType HoursFine

Public Methods

public static TimeView.TimeType[] values()

public static TimeView.TimeType valueOf(java.lang.String name)
