195 uint16_t char_handle,
202 int (*
read)(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t char_handle);
228#define EXTERN extern "C"
Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Server/Client API.
Bluetooth LE header for SDK on Spresense.
Bluetooth common header for SDK on Spresense.
BT visibility ID.
Definition: bluetooth.h:250
BLE appearance ID.
Definition: bluetooth.h:266
Bluetooth A2DP common header for SDK on Spresense.
AVRCP command list.
Definition: bt_avrcp_cmds.h:64
Bluetooth HAL I/F for event handler.
Bluetooth HFP common header for SDK on Spresense.
HFP HF device supported feature flags.
Definition: bt_hfp_features.h:75
int ble_gatt_register_hal(struct ble_hal_gatt_ops_s *ble_hal_gatt_ops)
Bluetooth LE GATT function HAL register.
int ble_common_register_hal(struct ble_hal_common_ops_s *ble_hal_common_ops)
Bluetooth LE common function HAL register.
int bt_a2dp_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
A2DP event handler HAL should call this function if receive A2DP event(BT_A2DP_EVENT_ID).
int bt_common_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
Common event handler HAL should call this function if receive common event(BT_COMMON_EVENT_ID).
int ble_common_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
BLE common event handler HAL should call this function if receive BLE common event(BLE_COMMON_EVENT_I...
int bt_a2dp_register_hal(struct bt_hal_a2dp_ops_s *bt_hal_a2dp_ops)
Bluetooth A2DP function HAL register.
int bt_spp_register_hal(struct bt_hal_spp_ops_s *bt_hal_spp_ops)
Bluetooth SPP function HAL register.
int bt_hfp_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
HFP event handler HAL should call this function if receive HFP event(BT_HFP_EVENT_ID).
int bt_spp_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
SPP event handler HAL should call this function if receive SPP event(BT_SPP_EVENT_ID).
int bt_hfp_register_hal(struct bt_hal_hfp_ops_s *bt_hal_hfp_ops)
Bluetooth HFP function HAL register.
int bt_avrcp_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
AVRCP event handler HAL should call this function if receive AVRCP event(BT_AVRCP_EVENT_ID).
int bt_common_register_hal(struct bt_hal_common_ops_s *bt_hal_common_ops)
Bluetooth common function HAL register.
int ble_gatt_event_handler(struct bt_event_t *bt_event)
BLE GATT event handler HAL should call this function if receive BLE GATT event(BLE_GATT_EVENT_ID).
int ble_register_gatt_central_cb(struct ble_gatt_central_ops_s *central_ops)
Temporary I/F helps app hook central callbacks to framework stored state Should be removed after cons...
int bt_avrcp_register_hal(struct bt_hal_avrcp_ops_s *bt_hal_avrcp_ops)
Bluetooth AVRCP function HAL register.
Connection parameters for PPCP.
Definition: ble_params.h:62
BLE UUID structure.
Definition: ble_gatt.h:177
BT address types.
Definition: bluetooth.h:171
Codec information element structure, used to provide info of a single type of codec.
Definition: bt_a2dp_codecs.h:195
BT avrc supported notify event.
Definition: bt_event.h:573
128-bit UUID types
Definition: bluetooth.h:180
Bluetooth LE characteristic callbacks(for Central)
Definition: ble_gatt.h:397
Bluetooth LE GATT characteristic context.
Definition: ble_gatt.h:242
uint16_t handle
Definition: ble_gatt.h:243
Bluetooth LE GATT service context.
Definition: ble_gatt.h:260
Bluetooth LE common HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:139
int(* advertise)(bool enable)
Definition: bt_if.h:144
int(* stopScan)(void)
Definition: bt_if.h:146
int(* setDevName)(char *name)
Definition: bt_if.h:141
int(* getNegotiatedMtuSize)(uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:152
int(* setDevAddr)(BT_ADDR *addr)
Definition: bt_if.h:140
int(* connect)(uint8_t addr_type, const BT_ADDR *addr)
Definition: bt_if.h:147
int(* disconnect)(const uint16_t conn_handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:148
int(* pairing)(uint16_t conn_handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:149
uint16_t(* setMtuSize)(uint16_t sz)
Definition: bt_if.h:150
int(* startScan)(bool duplicate_filter)
Definition: bt_if.h:145
int(* setAppearance)(BLE_APPEARANCE appearance)
Definition: bt_if.h:142
uint16_t(* getMtuSize)(void)
Definition: bt_if.h:151
int(* setPPCP)(BLE_CONN_PARAMS ppcp)
Definition: bt_if.h:143
Bluetooth LE GATT HAL.
Definition: bt_if.h:222
struct ble_hal_gatts_ops_s gatts
Definition: bt_if.h:223
struct ble_hal_gattc_ops_s gattc
Definition: bt_if.h:224
Bluetooth LE GATTC HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:173
int(* send_confirm)(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t char_handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:190
int(* descriptor_read)(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:213
int(* descriptor_write)(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t handle, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len)
Definition: bt_if.h:206
int(* write)(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t char_handle, uint8_t *data, int len, bool rsp)
Definition: bt_if.h:194
int(* discoverUuid)(uint16_t conn_handle, BLE_UUID *srv_uuid, BLE_UUID *char_uuid)
Definition: bt_if.h:184
int(* startDbDiscovery)(uint16_t conn_handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:176
int(* read)(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t char_handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:202
int(* continueDbDiscovery)(uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t conn_handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:180
Bluetooth LE GATTS HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:160
int(* notify)(struct ble_gatt_char_s *ble_gatt_char, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:165
int(* addService)(struct ble_gatt_service_s *ble_gatt_service)
Definition: bt_if.h:161
int(* write)(struct ble_gatt_char_s *ble_gatt_char, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:163
int(* addChar)(uint16_t serv_handle, struct ble_gatt_char_s *ble_gatt_char)
Definition: bt_if.h:162
int(* read)(struct ble_gatt_char_s *ble_gatt_char, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:164
Bluetooth parent event data type.
Definition: bt_event.h:224
Bluetooth A2DP HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:91
int(* vendorCodecEnable)(bool enable)
Definition: bt_if.h:94
int(* connect)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle, bool connect)
Definition: bt_if.h:92
int(* set_codec)(BT_AUDIO_CODEC_INFO *codec_info)
Definition: bt_if.h:95
int(* aacEnable)(bool enable)
Definition: bt_if.h:93
Bluetooth AVRCP HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:103
int(* avrcc_connect)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle, bool connect)
Definition: bt_if.h:104
int(* send_avrcp_command)(BT_ADDR *addr, BT_AVRCP_CMD_ID cmd_id, bool press, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:106
int(* configure_notification)(BT_AVRC_SUPPORT_NOTIFY_EVENT *notification_list)
Definition: bt_if.h:107
int(* avrct_connect)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle, bool connect)
Definition: bt_if.h:105
Bluetooth Common HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:70
int(* setVisibility)(BT_VISIBILITY visibility)
Definition: bt_if.h:81
int(* paringEnable)(bool enable)
Definition: bt_if.h:78
int(* setDevName)(char *name)
Definition: bt_if.h:76
int(* inquiryCancel)(void)
Definition: bt_if.h:83
int(* init)(void)
Definition: bt_if.h:71
int(* getDevName)(char *name)
Definition: bt_if.h:77
int(* getBondList)(BT_ADDR *addrs, int *num)
Definition: bt_if.h:79
int(* setDevAddr)(BT_ADDR *addr)
Definition: bt_if.h:74
int(* finalize)(void)
Definition: bt_if.h:72
int(* inquiryStart)(void)
Definition: bt_if.h:82
int(* unBond)(BT_ADDR *addr)
Definition: bt_if.h:80
int(* getDevAddr)(BT_ADDR *addr)
Definition: bt_if.h:75
int(* enable)(bool enable)
Definition: bt_if.h:73
Bluetooth HFP HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:115
int(* connect)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle, bool connect)
Definition: bt_if.h:116
int(* set_hf_feature)(BT_HFP_HF_FEATURE_FLAG hf_heature)
Definition: bt_if.h:118
int(* press_button)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:120
int(* send_at_command)(BT_ADDR *addr, char *at_str, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:119
int(* audio_connect)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle, bool connect)
Definition: bt_if.h:117
Bluetooth SPP HAL callbacks.
Definition: bt_if.h:128
int(* connect)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint16_t handle, bool connect)
Definition: bt_if.h:129
int(* setUuid)(BT_UUID *uuid)
Definition: bt_if.h:130
int(* sendTxData)(BT_ADDR *addr, uint8_t *data, int len, uint16_t handle)
Definition: bt_if.h:131