New AOSP build instructions for Android 13

We are happy to announce that we now have launched AOSP build instructions for Android 13!
The Xperia Open Source Project (Xperia Open Devices) is an initiative created to guide the developers step-by-step on how to build AOSP for their unlocked Xperia devices. Our instructions will show you how to prepare your environment, how to download all the necessary tools, and how to download and configure the code before you can build AOSP images and flash them on your own device.
Our guides are based on Ubuntu (we used Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), but it should work in a similar way on any Linux-based system. To be able to use these instructions, you should be also familiar with Android Development.
You can find the guide on our AOSP build instructions page, where we update instructions on a regular basis, once we add new devices and software patches.
More information
Learn how to build Android 13
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