Create your AI app on Spresense in 10 minutes using Edge Impulse

We're happy to announce that the cloud-based AI tool Edge Impulse now supports Sony's Spresense microcontroller board. It's free to start using Edge Impulse and it simplifies the work with training and deploying AI models, including the data collection. With Spresense and Edge Impulse, you get an end-to-end solution for industrial machine learning with ultra-low power consumption and high computing capability.
With Spresense's state-of-the-art visual and hi-res audio features along its 6-core microcontroller and a range of sensor add-on options, you have a powerful edge device that you can train using the graphical user interface of Edge Impulse. In a simple manner of dragging, dropping and clicking, you step your way through the machine learning process. You also have the option to use the advanced mode and switch to Python scripting in case you are more comfortable with that.

To order a Spresense microcontroller board and get started, you find where-to-order information on the Spresense "Buy now" page.
And here is the Getting Started Guide for Edge Impulse.
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