Developer World Spresense
日本語 中文
Table of Contents

1. Examples

The examples in the Spresense SDK are installed as a built-in command in the NuttShell environment. Refer to the README.txt file in the directory of each example for additional details about the required SDK configuration etc.

If you are building for the first time, please refer to the getting started guide. There are detailed instructions about how to configure and run the built program.

Category Example Description



A "hello world" example application in C


A "hello world" example application in C++



An example of how to set an RTC alarm


An example of how to configure the watchdog


An example of how to read the A/D conversion data


An example of how to output PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal



An example of how to read GNSS sensor data


An example of how to set up and use a geofence


An example of how to output NMEA sentences on the terminal using GNSS AT command.


A utility application running the GNSS factory test


An example of how to use the GNSS PVTLOG



An example of audio playback


An example of audio recorder


An example of how to set the audio-paths from microphone to speaker and I2S in/out


An example of how to capture PCM data


An example of audio recognizer framework


An example of audio beep


An example of audio dual recorder


An example of audio playback by using object interface layer


An example of audio recorder by using object interface layer


An example of audio PCM capture by using object interface layer


An example of audio sound effector with low delay



An example of how to run worker program of multi cores on ASMP framework


An example of prime calculation by using multi cores


An example of FFT calculation by using multi cores



An example of how to read the accelerometer sensor data


An example of how to read the gyro sensor data


An example of how to read the light sensor data


An example of how to read the magnetic sensor data


An example of how to read the pressure sensor data


An example of how to read the proximity sensor data


An example of how to read the color sensor data


An example of how to detect tilt using the accelerometer sensor


An example of SCU decimator


An example of how to read the accelerometer/gyro sensor data


An example of step counter with activity recognition using the accelerometer sensor



An example of camera



An example of JPEG decoder



An example of drawing ILI9341 LCD display


An example of NX graphics


An example of drawing "Hello" text using NX graphics


An example of drawing bitmap using NX graphics


An example of drawing line using NX graphics


An example of drawing text using NX graphics



An example of number recognition using DNN Runtime



An example of HTTP GET on LTE network


An example of TLS communication on LTE network


An example of WebSocket communication on LTE network


An example of MQTT communication on LTE network


An example of Lightweight M2M(LWM2M) communication on LTE network


An example of AWS IoT communication on LTE network



An example of battery charger (It’s not supported on Spresense board)

2. Peripheral Driver Tutorials

2.1. RTC alarm example application

This section describes the usage of RTC alarm example application.

2.1.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Execute the configuration by specifying examples/alarm as an argument of
    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

    tools/ examples/alarm
  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

2.1.2. Operation check

Open the serial terminal, and run alarm command.

  1. Open the serial terminal

    This is an example of using a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

    minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
  2. Type alarm command on NuttShell prompt

    The usage of alarm command is shown below.

    nsh> alarm
    ERROR: Invalid number of arguments: 0
            alarm <seconds>
                    The number of seconds until the alarm expires.

    <seconds> means the relative time (seconds). For example, alarm 5 will trigger the RTC alarm after 5 seconds.

    nsh> alarm 5
    alarm_daemon started
    alarm_daemon: Running
    Opening /dev/rtc0
    Alarm 0 set in 5 seconds
    nsh> alarm_demon: alarm 0 received

2.1.3. RTC alarm with power saving features

Here is an example of using the alarm command in combination with the power saving features.

Spresense provides power saving features such as Deep Sleep and Cold Sleep modes. It can enter these sleep states using the shutdown or poweroff command. And, by the RTC alarm function, it can wake up from these sleep states.

For more information about Deep Sleep and Cold Sleep, refer to Sleep Mode.

The usage of shutdown and poweroff commands is shown below.

nsh> help shutdown
shutdown usage:  shutdown [--reboot]
nsh> help poweroff
poweroff usage:  poweroff [--cold] Wake up from Deep Sleep mode

In the following example, an alarm is set after 10 seconds, and the system enters Deep Sleep mode by shutdown command.
After 10 seconds, the alarm is expires and the system wakes up from the Deep Sleep state.

nsh> alarm 10
alarm_daemon started
alarm_daemon: Running
Opening /dev/rtc0
Alarm 0 set in 10 seconds
nsh> shutdown

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-7.22
nsh> Wake up from Cold Sleep mode

In the following example, an alarm is set after 10 seconds, and the system enters Cold Sleep mode by poweroff --cold command.
After 10 seconds, the alarm is expires and the system wakes up from the Cold Sleep state.

nsh> alarm 10
alarm_daemon started
alarm_daemon: Running
Opening /dev/rtc0
Alarm 0 set in 10 seconds
nsh> poweroff --cold

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-7.22

2.1.4. Other RTC commands

The date command allows you to set the RTC time and display the current RTC time.

nsh> help date
date usage:  date [-s "MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY"]

e.g) set 2019/12/1 23:34:56 to RTC

nsh> date -s "Dec 1 23:34:56 2019"

The current time is displayed by the date command.

nsh> date
Dec 01 23:35:14 2019

The RTC time is kept during sleep modes such as Deep/Cold Sleep and rebooting by the reboot command. However, if the power supply is turned off or the reset button is pressed, the RTC time will be clear.

The following example shows that the RTC time is retained even after the system reboot with the reboot command.

nsh> date
Dec 01 23:41:08 2019
nsh> reboot

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-7.22
nsh> date
Dec 01 23:41:12 2019

2.2. Watchdog example application

This section describes the usage of Watchdog example application.

2.2.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Execute the configuration by specifying examples/watchdog as an argument of
    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

    tools/ examples/watchdog
  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

2.2.2. Operation check

Open the serial terminal, and run wdog command.

  1. Open the serial terminal

    This is an example of using a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

    minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
  2. Type wdog command on NuttShell prompt

    The usage of wdog command is shown below.

    nsh> wdog -h
    Usage: wdog [-h] [-d <pingdelay>] [-p <pingtime>] [-t <timeout>]
    Initialize the watchdog to the <timeout>. Start the watchdog
    timer. Ping for the watchdog for <pingtime> seconds, then let it expire.
    Options include:
      [-d <pingdelay>] = Time delay between pings in milliseconds. Default: 500
      [-p <pingtime>] = Selects the <pingtime> time in milliseconds. Default: 5000
      [-t timeout] = Time in milliseconds that the example will ping the watchdog
        before letting the watchdog expire. Default: 2000
      [-h] = Shows this message and exits

    Clear the watchdog timer by calling ioctl(fd, WDIOC_KEEPALIVE, 0) with the specified <pingdelay> period [msec].


    Keeps the watchdog clear during the specified <pingtime> period [msec].


    Set the period of watchdog timer by calling ioctl(fd, WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT, (unsigned long)wdog.timeout) with the specified <timeout> [msec].

This example application can confirm that the system reboots when the watchdog timer is expired.

The following is an example of running the wdog command.

If you type wdog command without argument, the period of watchdog timer is set to the default 2 seconds. During 5 seconds, the watchdog timer continues to be cleared at a cycle of 500 msec. After that, the watchdog timer will be expired and the system will reboot without clearing the watchdog timer.

nsh> wdog
  ping elapsed=0
  ping elapsed=500
  ping elapsed=1000
  ping elapsed=1500
  ping elapsed=2000
  ping elapsed=2500
  ping elapsed=3000
  ping elapsed=3500
  ping elapsed=4000
  ping elapsed=4500
  NO ping elapsed=5000
  NO ping elapsed=5500
  NO ping elapsed=6000
up_assert: Assertion failed at file:irq/irq_unexpectedisr.c line: 65 task: Idle Task
up_dumpstate: sp:     0d0279d4
up_dumpstate: IRQ stack:
up_dumpstate:   base: 0d027a00
up_dumpstate:   size: 00000800
up_dumpstate:   used: 00000120
up_stackdump: 0d0279c0: 00000000 0d003e3d 0d0291a8 0d02975c 00000000 00000002 466cc9d4 0d002f69
up_stackdump: 0d0279e0: 0d002f55 0d00703d 00000000 0d02975c 0d028a20 00000003 00000000 0d006fd5
up_dumpstate: sp:     0d029830
up_dumpstate: User stack:
up_dumpstate:   base: 0d029840
up_dumpstate:   size: 00000400
up_dumpstate:   used: 00000000
up_stackdump: 0d029820: 9b7feebc 1f86add5 00000000 0d002e75 0d029844 001567bc 2df7cabf 00000000
up_registerdump: R0: 00000000 0d026bcc 0d02df68 00000014 0d026b54 0d028a20 00000003 00000000
up_registerdump: R8: 0d026ca0 f0bbaf7f dc9161d8 466cc9d4 00000003 0d029830 0d002e79 0d008792
up_registerdump: xPSR: 21000000 BASEPRI: 00000000 CONTROL: 00000000
up_registerdump: EXC_RETURN: ffffffe9
up_taskdump: Idle Task: PID=0 Stack Used=0 of 0
up_taskdump: hpwork: PID=1 Stack Used=344 of 2028
up_taskdump: lpwork: PID=2 Stack Used=352 of 2028
up_taskdump: lpwork: PID=3 Stack Used=352 of 2028
up_taskdump: lpwork: PID=4 Stack Used=352 of 2028
up_taskdump: init: PID=5 Stack Used=1032 of 8172
up_taskdump: cxd56_pm_task: PID=6 Stack Used=320 of 996
up_taskdump: wdog: PID=8 Stack Used=528 of 2028

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-7.22

2.3. ADC example application

This section describes the usage of ADC example application.

2.3.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Execute the configuration by specifying examples/adc as an argument of
    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

    tools/ examples/adc
  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

2.3.2. Operation check

Open the serial terminal, and run adc command.

  1. Open the serial terminal

    This is an example of using a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

    minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
  2. Type adc command on NuttShell prompt

    The usage of adc command is shown below.

    nsh> adc -h
    Usage: adc [OPTIONS]
    Arguments are "sticky".  For example, once the ADC device is
    specified, that device will be re-used until it is changed.
    "sticky" OPTIONS include:
      [-p devpath] selects the ADC device.  /dev/lpadc0, 1, 2, 3, /dev/hpadc0, 1  Current: /dev/lpadc0
      [-n count] set the number of reads.  Current: 10
      [-h] shows this message and exits

    There are a total of 6 ADC dedicated pins. Specify -p /dev/lpadc[0-3] or /dev/hpadc[0-1] with the -p option. The relationship between pin numbers and device files on the Spresense board is shown below.

    Pin number







    /dev file








    Specify the number of measurements.

For example, you can read AD converted data from HPADC0(A4) 10 times. The data from HPADC0 is stored to the buffer and displays the average, minimum, and maximum values. ADC data is 16-bit signed data and the range is -32767 to 32767.

nsh> adc -p /dev/hpadc0 -n 10
ADC example - Name:/dev/hpadc0 bufsize:16
Ave:-32767 Min:-32767 Max:-32767 Cnt:8
Ave:-32767 Min:-32767 Max:-32767 Cnt:8
Ave:-32767 Min:-32767 Max:-32767 Cnt:8
Ave:14673 Min:14668 Max:14676 Cnt:8
Ave:14681 Min:14677 Max:14684 Cnt:8
Ave:14690 Min:14687 Max:14694 Cnt:8
Ave:14684 Min:14680 Max:14690 Cnt:8
Ave:14677 Min:14672 Max:14682 Cnt:8
Ave:14677 Min:14675 Max:14682 Cnt:8
Ave:14672 Min:14667 Max:14677 Cnt:8
ADC example end

2.3.3. ADC sampling frequency

ADC sampling frequency depends on the clock selected by SCU clock mode.

tutorial scu clock HPADC (High Performance ADC)

HPADC is an ADC capable of high-speed sampling.

The clock system diagram of HPADC is shown below.


The HPADC clock is determined by fixedly dividing the clock source. The sampling frequency is determined by dividing the ADC clock by a power of two.

The n value can be changed by the following SDK configuration.

CXD56xx Configuration -> HPADC0 -> Coefficient of sampling frequency (CONFIG_CXD56_HPADC0_FREQ)
CXD56xx Configuration -> HPADC1 -> Coefficient of sampling frequency (CONFIG_CXD56_HPADC1_FREQ)
tutorial hpadc coef

The possible range of n value depends on the SCU clock mode.

  1. In case of SCU clock mode = RTC

    n 9 10 11






  2. In case of SCU clock mode = RCOSC/XOSC

    n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7















    × LPADC (Low Power ADC)

LPADC is an ADC that operates at a lower sampling rate but lower power consumption than HPADC. The clock system diagram of LPADC is shown below.


LPADC operates based on RTC clock. The sampling frequency is determined by dividing the clock by a power of two.

The n value can be changed by the following SDK configuration.

CXD56xx Configuration -> LPADC0 -> Coefficient of sampling frequency (CONFIG_CXD56_LPADC0_FREQ)
CXD56xx Configuration -> LPADC1 -> Coefficient of sampling frequency (CONFIG_CXD56_LPADC1_FREQ)
CXD56xx Configuration -> LPADC2 -> Coefficient of sampling frequency (CONFIG_CXD56_LPADC2_FREQ)
CXD56xx Configuration -> LPADC3 -> Coefficient of sampling frequency (CONFIG_CXD56_LPADC3_FREQ)
tutorial lpadc coef

The possible range of n value depends on the SCU clock mode. LPADC has 4 channels in total. Depending on whether LPADC is used only 1 channel, 2 channels or 4 channels, the upper limit of sampling frequency is changed. The possible values of n in each case are shown below.

tutorial lpadc ch
  1. In case of SCU clock mode = RTC

    1. When any one of LPADC channels 0 to 3 is selected

      n 11 12 13 14 15








    2. When two channels of LPADC channel 0 and 1 are selected

      n 12 13 14 15







    3. When four channels of LPADC channel 0,1,2 and 3 are selected

      n 11 12 13 14 15








  2. In case of SCU clock mode = RCOSC

    1. When any one of LPADC channels 0 to 3 is selected

      n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
















    2. When two channels of LPADC channel 0 and 1 are selected

      n 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15













    3. When four channels of LPADC channel 0,1,2 and 3 are selected

      n 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15












  3. In case of SCU clock mode = XOSC

    1. When any one of LPADC channels 0 to 3 is selected

      n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

















    2. When two channels of LPADC channel 0 and 1 are selected

      n 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15













    3. When four channels of LPADC channel 0,1,2 and 3 are selected

      n 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15












2.4. PWM example application

This section describes the usage of PWM example application.

2.4.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Execute the configuration by specifying examples/pwm as an argument of
    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

    tools/ examples/pwm
  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

2.4.2. Operation check

Open the serial terminal, and run pwm command.

  1. Open the serial terminal

    This is an example of using a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

    minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
  2. Type pwm command on NuttShell prompt

    The usage of pwm command is shown below.

    nsh> pwm -h
    Usage: pwm [OPTIONS]
    Arguments are "sticky".  For example, once the PWM frequency is
    specified, that frequency will be re-used until it is changed.
    "sticky" OPTIONS include:
      [-p devpath] selects the PWM device.  Default: /dev/pwm0 Current: /dev/pwm0
      [-f frequency] selects the pulse frequency.  Default: 1000 Hz Current: 1000 Hz
      [-d duty] selects the pulse duty as a percentage.  Default: 50 % Current: 50 %
      [-t duration] is the duration of the pulse train in seconds.  Default: 5 Current: 5
      [-h] shows this message and exits

    e.g) Outputs PWM signal with a frequency of 2000 Hz and a duty ratio of 30% to PWM1 during 10 seconds.

    nsh> pwm -p /dev/pwm1 -f 2000 -d 30 -t 10

    There are a total of 4 PWM pins. Specify -p /dev/pwm[0-3] with the -p option.


    Set the PWM <frequency> [Hz].


    Set the <duty> ratio (the fraction of the high period of the period) [%] from 1 to 99.


    Output the PWM signal for the specified <duration> time [s].

2.4.3. PWM frequency and duty ratio

PWM frequency depends on the clock selected by SCU clock mode.

tutorial scu clock

The SCU clock is shown below.

  • Same with SCU32K → RTC 32.768kHz

  • RCOSC → approximately 8.2MHz

  • XOSC → 13MHz obtained by dividing TCXO 26MHz by CONFIG_CXD56_SCU_XOSC_DIV(=2)

The period of the PWM signal waveform is determined by the PWM_CYCLE count of the SCU clock as shown in the figure below. The Low output period is determined by the PWM_THRESH count. The upper limit of the count is 0xffff.

tutorial pwm

The PWM frequency range is:

1 <= PWM frequency <= SCU clock / 2

For example, if RCOSC is selected for the SCU clock, the frequency will be from 1 Hz to approximately 4 MHz.

Regarding the duty ratio, the low and high periods are calculated from the approximate value with the specified -d option. Therefore the output waveform does not have an accurate duty ratio and may include rounding errors.

3. GPS Tutorials

3.1. Sample Application of GPS(GNSS)

This chapter shows the operation procedure of GPS(GNSS) sample application.

3.1.1. Build & Flash

  1. Move to the folder where you cloned the Spresense SDK, and enter the sdk folder name:

    cd spresense/sdk
  2. Set up the NuttX kernel configuration

    tools/ --kernel release
  3. Set up the SDK configuration To enable the gnss example application, select examples/gnss.

    tools/ examples/gnss
    Please refer to How to configure for details on the configuration.
  4. Build the example image:

    make buildkernel
    Please refer to How to build for details on the build.

    A nuttx.spk file will be created in the sdk folder after make has successfully finished.

  5. Just the same as Hello World example, flash the nuttx.spk to Spresense with tools/

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 nuttx.spk
  6. When flashing the board is completed the board is restarted automatically.

3.1.2. GPS operation confirmation

Loading nuttx.spk to Spresense, you can run the GNSS program.

Open the serial terminal.
minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -s

Execute gnss command, the gnss is a built-in application. The following text will be displayed:

tutorial gnss log1
Figure 1. GNSS startup log

If positioning is not available, you see this message:

No Positioning Data

And the time is displayed that is from 0 o’clock count up when GNSS start.
If the Spresense can receive GPS signals from the satellites (clear view to the sky etc), the time in UTC will be displayed in approximately 1 minute, and the GPS position in approximately 3 minutes.

Hour:9, minute:13, sec:20, usec:559
LAT 35.25.6303
LNG 139.22.1986

Similar text as shown above is displayed, and latitude and longitude can be read.

4. Audio Tutorials

4.1. Sample Application of Audio Player

This chapter shows the operation procedure of the sample application of Audio Player.

4.1.1. Build & Flash

Here shows the build process by using command line.

  1. Move to the sdk directory:

    Run script provides tab keyword complementation of tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Configure and build the kernel.

    In this case, release-defconfig is selected for kernel configuration.
    If you already built the kernel, you can skip this process.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. Configure and build SDK.

    Set examples/audio_player as argument of and execute configuration. When build succeeded, nuttx.spk binary file will be generated under sdk directory.

    tools/ examples/audio_player
  4. Load nuttx.spk to Spresense board.

    In this case, serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0 and baudrate is 500000 bps, both are set.
    This parameter should be set to fit to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk
  5. For Audio Player, it is necessary to load the DSP binary for decode. You can choose to place the DSP binary on either a SD card or SPI-Flash. Here is how to load from the SD card.

    Specify the path of DSP binary in the application code ( audio_player_main.cxx ). In audio_player_main.cxx , it is specified by DSPBIN_FILE_PATH .

    #define DSPBIN_FILE_PATH "/mnt/sd0/BIN"

    This code shows that the SD card is selected.

    If you would like to use SPI-flash, please specify /mnt/spif/BIN .

    When you read SD card on PC, /mnt/sd0/BIN will appear as BIN/ under the root directory.
    Create this directory and place the DSP for the required codec here.

    When you want to decode MP3 files,
    select MP3DEC under spresense/sdk/modules/audio/dsp/

  6. Write the music file which you would like to play to the SD card. audio_player_main.cxx is specified in PLAYBACK_FILE_PATH .

    #define PLAYBACK_FILE_PATH "/mnt/sd0/AUDIO"

    Therefore, please insert SD card to PC and create AUDIO directory under the root of SD card. Next, put the audio files in AUDIO directory. It can also be placed in subdirectories.

  7. The current Audio Player sample is playing a simple PlayList. So, specify the location and file name of the playlist file and play music files. In audio_player_main.cxx , specify the path with PLAYLIST_FILE_PATH and the file name is specified in PLAYLIST_FILE_NAME .

    #define PLAYLIST_FILE_PATH "/mnt/sd0/PLAYLIST"

    Please create PLAYLIST/ under root directory of SD card, and put TRACK_DB.CSV into there.

    For the contents of TRACK_DB.CSV , see README.txt under spresense/sdk/modules/audio/playlist/ .

Then you can play your playlist.

4.1.2. Operation check of Audio Player

When this nuttx.spk is loaded to the Spresense board, the Audio Player program can be executed.

Open the serial terminal as you did in the Hello sample.

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -s

When you run the audio_player app that was builtin,

tutorial player log
Figure 2. The log of music playback.

The log is displayed and the audio is played back.

If an error occurs, refer to Error Information of Audio SubSystem.

4.1.3. Appendix : Customize audio signal process

So far, you could run the audio_player application with this tutorial.
From here on, it explains about optional function which add custom signal process.

In AudioPlayer sample, you can perform your own signal processing on the playing audio.
If you would like to do this, you need to enable [Use postprocess] in the config menu.

  1. Enable Postprocess.

    Open the config menu.

    tools/ -m

    Check [Use Postprocess] .

      [Audio player example]
        [Use Postprocess]        <= Y
    For more information on Postprocess , please refer to SDK Developer Guide Set preprocess.
  2. Do builds


    When build completed successfully, POSTPROC binary file will be generated under spresense/examples/audio_player/worker/ .
    Please put this file on /mnt/sd0/BIN (If you read SD card on PC, it’s BIN/ ).

    In this sample application, POSTPROC includes a simple RCfilter by default.
    If you want to customize your own signal processing etc, please refer to here.

    Please playback audio files with Postprocess Enable/Disable, and check difference. Refer How to playback.

    == About customizing DSP binary (POSTPROC)

This chapter shows how to customize the DSP binary (POSTPROC). Step 1. Edit the code of POSTPROC

Describes the code structure of POSTPROC and the editing location.
The code is divided into two parts: the part to edit the user and the part provided as a framework.

user-edited code

It is a code that users should edit mainly.
It can make unique signal processing by editing these codes.

The DSP code is in the worker directory, which has the userproc directory.
The user writes signal processing only in the userproc directory, and other things basically do not need to be changed.

Since main.cpp provides startup processing and data communication control with Main CPU, do not change it.

Figure 3. The structure of source code

Startup processing and DSP communication processing are written. There is no need to edit.


It is a header file that defines the communication command with DSP.
Describe your necessary parameters in this file.


The header file of user code.


The source file of user code.
Write or call signal processing to this file.

APIs are provided for user code

userproc.cpp provides a framework for Init , Exec , Flush , Set commands.
The user code can support the processing in DSP by writing the unique contents.

Describes the process that the user should write.
(* By default, an RC filter is included as a sample.)

This framework assumed that the state transition inside DSP like in the figure below.

Figure 4. the state transition in DSP

Program the process by each command as following flow.

  1. DSP starts when AUDCMD_INIT_OUTPUTMIXER is called.

  2. Set necessary parameters (number of channels, bit length, etc.) with the Init command.

  3. When recording starts, the captured audio data is periodically sent to the DSP with the Exec command, so it can do a unique filter processing.

  4. If you want to change DSP internal parameters at any time, you can use Set command .The execution timing of this command is in the order of command reception including Exec .

  5. When recording stop, the Flush command is sent after the last audio data on Exec , so if termination processing is necessary, the processing is performed here.

Definition of command

The data types used by each function are described in userproc_command.h , and the contents can be freely written.

The format of each command is as shown below.
The minimum required parameters are placed in the top white area. Please do not change these.

The part of User param (purple part)in the figure below in userproc_command.h , you should define your parameters.

Figure 5. the format of command

Each command is discribed in the following.

struct InitParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Init processing.
    All parameter defined by reserved , so you will change them to necessary parameters such as the number of channels and bit length.

struct ExecParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Exec processing.
    The address and size of audio data is defined in CustomprocCommand::ExecParamBase from which it is inherited as in ExecParam in the figure above.
    For details, see sdk/modules/include/audio/dsp_framework/customproc_command_base.h .

struct FlushParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Flush processing.
    The address and size of audio data is defined in CustomprocCommand::FlushParamBase from which it is inherited as in ExecParam in the figure above.
    For details, see sdk/modules/include/audio/dsp_framework/customproc_command_base.h .

struct SetParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Set processing.
    Define various dynamically changed parameters. By default, RC filter On/Off and coefficients are defined as sample.

Each functions

The following functions are written in userproc.cpp . The contents can be written freely.
Processing is performed according to each command definition.

void UserProc::init(InitParam *)
  • Write your initialize processing according to InitParam.
    It is executed by AUDCMD_INITMPP command from application code.
    (Nothing is done by default)

void UserProc::exec(ExecParam *)
  • Write your signal processing according to ExecParam. When you start recording, it will be called periodically from the SDK.
    1 frame is 640 samples when recording setup is LPCM, 1152 for MP3 (but 1728 at 16 kHz) samples.
    Get data from the input data address, do your signal processing, and write to the output data address. (RC filtering is written by default)

void UserProc::flush(FlushParam *)
  • Write the flush (termination) process according to FlushParam.
    when recording stops, it will be called only once from the SDK.
    For example, If it is delay filter like IIR or FIR filter, flush may be needed as filer clear.
    If there is data to be output, write to the output data address.
    (Nothing is done by default)

void UserProc::set(SetParam *)
  • Write the set (change parameter) process according to SetParam.
    It is executed by AUDCMD_SETMPPPARAM command from application code.
    (By default, the RC filter coefficient is set.) Step 2. Build POSTPROC binary

If you enable Postprocess in configuration, POSTPROC binary will be created automatically when this application is built.
The path created is POSTPROC under spresense/examples/audio_player/worker .
Put this in the /mnt/sd0/BIN ( \BIN viewed from the PC) folder on the SD card.

4.2. Sample application of Audio Recorder

This chapter shows the operation procedure of the sample application of Audio Recorder.

4.2.1. Build & Flash

Here shows the build process by using command line.

  1. Move to the sdk directory:

    Run script provides tab keyword complementation of tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Configure and build the kernel.

    In this case, release-defconfig is selected for kernel configuration.
    If you already built the kernel, you can skip this process.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. Configure and build SDK.

    Set examples/audio_recorder as argument of and execute configuration. When build succeeded, nuttx.spk binary file will be generated under sdk directory.

    tools/ examples/audio_recorder
  4. Load nuttx.spk to Spresense board.

    In this case, serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0 and baudrate is 500000 bps, both are set.
    This parameter should be set to fit to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk
  5. For Audio Recorder, it is necessary to load the DSP binary for encoding. You can choose to place the DSP binary on either an SD card or SPI-Flash. Here is how to load from the SD card.

    Specify the path of DSP binary in the application code. In audio_recorder_main.cxx , it is specified by DSPBIN_PATH .

    #define DSPBIN_PATH "/mnt/sd0/BIN"

    This code shows that the SD card is selected.

    If you would like to use SPI-flash, please specify /mnt/spif/BIN .

    When you read SD card on PC, /mnt/sd0/BIN will appear as BIN/ under the root directory.
    Create this directory and place the DSP for the required codec here.

    When you would like to encode MP3 files,
    select MP3ENC file which is placed under spresense/sdk/modules/audio/dsp/

    The combinations of Codec type and DSP binary for other encoding are shown in the table below.

    Codec DSP Binary





4.2.2. Operation check of Audio Recorder

When this nuttx.spk is loaded to the Spresense board, the Audio recorder program can be executable.
Open the serial terminal as you did in the Hello sample.

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -s

When you run the audio_recorder app that was builtin,

tutorial recorder log
Figure 6. The log of sound recording.

The log is displayed and the audio is recording.

The recorded audio can be played back on a PC. At that time, there is an audio file in REC/ under the SD card root directory. In audio_recorder_main.cxx, the record file path is RECFILE_ROOTPATH , please change the application code as needed.

#define RECFILE_ROOTPATH "/mnt/sd0/REC"

+ This code shows that the audio data will be recorded in REC/ directory on the SD card.


If an error occurs, refer to Error Information of Audio SubSystem.

4.2.3. Appendix : Customize audio signal process

So far, you could run the audio_recorder application with this tutorial.
From here on, it explains about optional function which add custom signal process.

In AudioRecorder sample, you can perform your own signal processing on the recorded audio.
If you would like to do this, you need to enable [Use preprocess] in the config menu.

  1. Enable Preprocess.

    Open the config menu.

    tools/ -m

    Check [Use preprocess] .

      [Audio recorder example]
        [Use preprocess]        <= Y
    For more information on Preprocess , please refer to SDK Developer Guide Set preprocess.
  2. Do builds


    When build completed successfully, PREPROC binary file will be generated under spresense/examples/audio_recorder/worker/src .
    Please put this file on /mnt/sd0/BIN (If you read SD card on PC, it’s BIN/ ).

    In this sample application, PREPROC includes a simple RCfilter by default.
    If you want to customize your own signal processing etc, please refer to here.

    Please playback audio files which are recorded by Preprocess Enable/Disable, and check difference. Refer How to record and playback.

    == About customizing DSP binary (PREPROC)

this chapter shows how to customize the DSP binary (PREPROC). Step 1. Edit the code of PREPROC

Describes the code structure of PREPROC and the editing location.
The code is divided into two parts: the part to edit the user and the part provided as a framework.

user-edited code

It is a code that users should edit mainly.
It can make unique signal processing by editing these codes.+

The DSP code is in the worker directory, which has the userproc directory.
The user writes signal processing only in the userproc directory, and other things basically do not need to be changed.

Since main.cpp provides startup processing and data communication control with Main CPU, do not change it.

Figure 7. The structure of source code

Startup processing and DSP communication processing are written. There is no need to edit.


It is a header file that defines the communication command with DSP.
Describe your necessary parameters in this file.


The header file of user code.


The source file of user code.
Write or call signal processing to this file.

APIs are provided for user code

userproc.cpp provides a framework for Init , Exec , Flush , Set commands.
The user code can support the processing in DSP by writing the unique contents.

Describes the process that the user should write.
(* By default, an RC filter is included as a sample.)

This framework assumed that the state transition inside DSP like in the figure below.

Figure 8. the state transition in DSP

Program the process by each command as following flow.

  1. DSP starts when AUDCMD_INIT_MICFRONTEND is called.

  2. Set necessary parameters (number of channels, bit length, etc.) with the Init command.

  3. When recording starts, the captured audio data is periodically sent to the DSP with the Exec command, so it can do a unique filter processing.

  4. If you want to change DSP internal parameters at any time, you can use Set command .The execution timing of this command is in the order of command reception including Exec .

  5. When recording stop, the Flush command is sent after the last audio data on Exec , so if termination processing is necessary, the processing is performed here.

Definition of command

The data types used by each function are described in userproc_command.h , and the contents can be freely written.

The format of each command is as shown below.
The minimum required parameters are placed in the top white area. Please do not change these.

The part of User param (purple part)in the figure below in userproc_command.h , you should define your parameters.

Figure 9. the format of command

Each command is discribed in the following.

struct InitParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Init processing.
    All parameter defined by reserved , so you will change them to necessary parameters such as the number of channels and bit length.

struct ExecParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Exec processing.
    The address and size of audio data is defined in CustomprocCommand::ExecParamBase from which it is inherited as in ExecParam in the figure above.
    For details, see sdk/modules/include/audio/dsp_framework/customproc_command_base.h .

struct FlushParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Flush processing.
    The address and size of audio data is defined in CustomprocCommand::FlushParamBase from which it is inherited as in ExecParam in the figure above.
    For details, see sdk/modules/include/audio/dsp_framework/customproc_command_base.h .

struct SetParam : public CustomprocCommand::CmdBase
  • Parameter for Set processing.
    Define various dynamically changed parameters. By default, RC filter On/Off and coefficients are defined as sample.

Each functions

The following functions are written in userproc.cpp . The contents can be written freely.
Processing is performed according to each command definition.

void UserProc::init(InitParam *)
void UserProc::exec(ExecParam *)
  • Write your signal processing according to ExecParam. When you start recording, it will be called periodically from the SDK.
    1 frame is 768 samples when recording setup is LPCM, 1152 for MP3 (but 1728 at 16 kHz) samples.
    Get data from the input data address, do your signal processing, and write to the output data address. (RC filtering is written by default)

void UserProc::flush(FlushParam *)
  • Write the flush (termination) process according to FlushParam.
    when recording stops, it will be called only once from the SDK.
    For example, If it is delay filter like IIR or FIR filter, flush may be needed as filer clear.
    If there is data to be output, write to the output data address.
    (Nothing is done by default)

void UserProc::set(SetParam *)
  • Write the set (change parameter) process according to SetParam.
    It is executed by AUDCMD_SET_PREPROCESS_DSP command from application code.
    (By default, the RC filter coefficient is set.) Step 2. Build PREPROC binary

If you enable Preprocess in configuration, PREPROC binary will be created automatically when this application is built.
The path created is PREPROC under spresense/examples/audio_recorder/worker/src .
Put this in the /mnt/sd0/BIN ( \BIN viewed from the PC) folder on the SD card.

5. System tools

Spresense SDK provides the system tools on NuttShell.

Category System tool Description



A utility tool to change the log level dynamically


A utility tool to dump the logging information on Backup SRAM


A utility tool to save the logging information on Backup SRAM into SPI-Flash



A utility tool to get/set GPIO/pin settings


A utility tool for GPIO interrupt



A utility tool to communicate with I2C device



A utility tool to control PMIC(PowerManagement IC)



A utility tool for USB MSC (Mass Storage Class)


A utility tool for USB CDC/ACM



A utility tool for Zmodem transfer



A utility tool to monitor stack usages of all tasks and threads

6. USB MSC system tool

This section describes the utility tool to use USB MSC (Mass Storage Class) feature.
When the USB MSC function is enabled, the Host PC can directly access the SD card on the Spresense board.

6.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Since the SD card is mounted as a USB MSC, open the menuconfig with the SD card function enabled.

    ./tools/ device/sdcard -m

    Enable System tools > USB Mass Storage Device Commands, and save and finish configuration.

    tutorial usbmsc

    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

6.2. Operation check

With the SD card inserted in the extension board, connect the USB connector of the extension board to the Host PC with a USB cable.

  1. Open the serial terminal

    This is an example of using a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

    minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
  2. Type msconn command on NuttShell prompt

    nsh> msconn
    mcsonn_main: Creating block drivers
    mcsonn_main: Configuring with NLUNS=1
    mcsonn_main: handle=d038d50
    mcsonn_main: Bind LUN=0 to /dev/mmcsd0
    mcsonn_main: Connected

    The new removable disk is recognized by the Host PC, and the contents of the SD card on the extension board can be accessed from the Host PC.

  3. To terminate the USB MSC function, type msdis command on NuttShell prompt.

    nsh> msdis
    msdis: Disconnected

7. USB CDC/ACM system tool

This section describes the utility tool to use USB CDC/ACM feature.
When the USB CDC/ACM function is enabled, the USB of the extension board can be used as a serial port.

7.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Open the menuconfig.

    ./tools/ -m

    Enable System tools > USB CDC/ACM Device Commands, and save and finish configuration.

    tutorial cdcacm

    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

7.2. Operation check

Connect the USB connector of the extension board to the Host PC with a USB cable.

  1. Open the serial terminal

    This is an example of using a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

    minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
  2. Type sercon command on NuttShell prompt

    nsh> sercon
    sercon: Registering CDC/ACM serial driver
    sercon: Successfully registered the CDC/ACM serial driver

    The new device file /dev/ttyACM0 is generated on the Spresense board, and a new COM port can be found on the Host PC. You can use this port for serial communication via USB.

  3. To terminate the USB CDC/ACM function, type serdis command on NuttShell prompt.

    nsh> serdis
    serdis: Disconnected

8. Zmodem file transfer

This section describes how to send and receive files between Host PC and Spresense board using Zmodem transfer.

8.1. How to build

This is the build procedure via the command line.
When you use IDE, refer to the explanation of the following configuration.

  1. Change directory to sdk

    If you do source script, you can use the tab completion of the tool.

    cd spresense/sdk
    source tools/
  2. Kernel configuration and building

    In this case, kernel configuration uses release-defconfig.
    If you have already built the kernel, you can skip this step.

    tools/ --kernel release
    make buildkernel
  3. SDK configuration and building

    Execute the configuration by specifying feature/zmodem as an argument of
    If the build is successful, a nuttx.spk file will be created under the sdk directory.

    tools/ feature/zmodem
  4. Flashing nuttx.spk into Spresense board

    In this case, the serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0, and the baudrate of the uploading speed is 500000 bps. Please change according to your environment.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 500000 nuttx.spk

8.2. Operation check

Use a serial terminal that supports the Zmodem transfer.

This is using minicom terminal for a example.
If minicom and lrzsz are not installed, install them in advance.

sudo apt install minicom lrzsz

Open a minicom terminal with /dev/ttyUSB0 as the serial port and 115200 as the baudrate.

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200

You can use Zmodem’s rz (receive) and sz (send) commands on NuttShell prompt.

The usage of rz command
tutorial zmodem1 rz
The usage of sz command
tutorial zmodem1 sz

8.2.1. File transfer from Host PC to Spresense board

How to transfer files from the HostPC to the Spresense board is shown below.

  1. On minicom terminal, type CTRL-a and z key, and open the menu (This shortcut key assignment can be changed by the user. See the minicom manual for details.)
    Then press the s key and select Send files.

    tutorial zmodem2 menu
  2. Select zmodem with cursor key and execute with Enter key.

    tutorial zmodem2 upload
  3. Move the folder with the cursor key and the space key, and select the file you want to transfer.
    Select a folder with the cursor keys and press the space key twice to move to the folder.
    Select the file with the cursor keys and the space key, and press the Enter key to start the transfer.

    tutorial zmodem2 dir

    Alternatively, you can press the Enter key and input the file name to execute the transfer.

    tutorial zmodem2 file
  4. The file transfer starts and the transfer is completed when "Transfer complete" is displayed.

    tutorial zmodem2 complete
  5. The transfer destination of the file on the Spresense board can be changed with CONFIG_SYSTEM_ZMODEM_MOUNTPOINT.
    In the default configuration, files are transferred to Flash of /mnt/spif.

If you use TeraTerm terminal, you can send the selected file from File→ Transfer→ ZMODEM→ Send from TeraTerm menu.

8.2.2. File transfer from Spresense board to Host PC

How to transfer files from the Spresense board to the HostPC is shown below.

  1. On NuttShell prompt, specify the file you want to transfer to the argument of the sz command.
    Enter the full path name starting with /.
    The following example uses the -x 1 binary transfer option.

    nsh> sz -x 1 /mnt/spif/test00.dat
  2. The file transfer starts and the transfer is completed when "Transfer complete" is displayed.

    tutorial zmodem3 complete
  3. The file is transferred into the folder where minicom was executed on the Host PC.

If you use TeraTerm terminal, you can receive the file from File→ Transfer→ ZMODEM→ Receive of TeraTerm menu.

9. How to start applications automatically

This section describes how to start the user application automatically instead of the NuttShell prompt.

9.1. Start-up script

By using a start-up script, the system can run according to the script and the application program can be automatically executed when the power is turned on. The startup script can support NuttShell commands with the user application, and the control syntax such as if-then-else-fi or while-do-done.
See NuttShell (NSH) documentation for details.

9.1.1. Usage of start-up script

This is an example to start the examples/hello application automatically.
(The explanation about the configuration and build of NuttX Kernel is omitted.)

  1. Open the menuconfig with the hello application enabled.

    ./tools/ -m examples/hello
  2. Enable Support ROMFS start-up script

    System tools --> NSH Library ---> Scripting Support
    tutorial autostart menuconfig1
  3. Select Custom ROMFS header path in ROMFS header location and
    input ../../nsh_romfsimg.h in Custom ROMFS header file path and save the configuration.

    Specify the location of nsh_romfsimg.h with a relative path from the sdk/system/nshlib directory.
    tutorial autostart menuconfig2
  4. Next, create a startup script named rcS.template under the sdk directory,
    and describe echo command and hello command as below.

    cat spresense/sdk/rcS.template
    echo Start-up hello application
  5. By using a tool, generate nsh_romfsimg.h from rcS.template.

    cd spresense/sdk
    ./tools/ .
    ls nsh_romfsimg.h
  6. Build and flash the program as usual.

    tools/ -c /dev/ttyUSB0 nuttx.spk
  7. When you turn on the power of the board, you can confirm that the hello application described in the script has been started before NuttShell prompt is displayed.

    tutorial autostart log

9.1.2. Change script location

  1. Refer to the following procedure if you’d like to change the location of rcS.template.

    cat spresense/examples/hello/rcS.template
    echo Start-up hello application
  2. Change the directory where rcS.template is located and generate nsh_romfsimg.h by using tool.

    cd spresense/examples/hello
    ../../sdk/tools/ ../../sdk
    ls nsh_romfsimg.h
  3. Open configuration menu, and input ../../../examples/hello/nsh_romfsimg.h into Custom ROMFS header file path.

    Specify the location of nsh_romfsimg.h with a relative path from the sdk/system/nshlib directory.
  4. The rest of the build procedure is the same as before.

9.2. SDK Entrypoint

There is another way that uses CONFIG_SDK_USER_ENTRYPOINT than the startup script. The default configuration of CONFIG_SDK_USER_ENTRYPOINT is nsh_main, but if you change it to hello_main, then the hello application would be launched on startup.

tutorial autostart entrypoint
The application needs to be initialized at startup. Add #include <sys/boardctl.h> and boardctl(BOARDIOC_INIT, 0) into the user entrypoint function.
#include <sys/boardctl.h>

int main(int argc, FAR char *argv[])
int hello_main(int argc, char *argv[])
  /* Initialize apllication */
  boardctl(BOARDIOC_INIT, 0);

  printf("Hello, World!!\n");
  return 0;